Monday, February 11, 2008

Fabulous Blogoversary Giveaway!

It's my one year blogoversary! So, to celebrate, I'm doing a little giveaway. Here is what you get:
This hotch-potch zippered pouch in three of my favorite Japanese prints (green apples are on the back),
two patchwork dishtowels,
The Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book (I got two for Christmas, thus have an extra brand new copy),
and two of my little notebooks I've been making--great for making lists or whatever.

Here's the "rules" if you'd like to enter. Just leave a comment on this post. I will ship internationally, so comment away, no matter your location. On Saturday February 16 I'll write down all your names and place them in a basket. I'll have Dieter draw out the lucky name and I'll post it on my blog. Then I'll e-mail you, or, if your e-mail address is unavailable on Blogger, you get in touch with me and let me know an address you'd like me to ship to. I will try to ship out as soon as possible. That's it! Good luck.

Now for my reflections on what blogging has meant to me this year. First of all, it's been fun, so fun. I'm a journal keeper from way back, so blogging was a good fit for me all along. The fact that keeping a blog, rather than a journal, adds in photography is just so appealing to me, and the fact that it is public means that my posts are mostly going to be pretty positive--that's a good thing, I think (some of my teenage journals were so whiny and mopey!! maybe that was a good outlet, but overall I think dwelling more on the positive is healthier). And, how do I say this without sounding overly dramatic? I feel blogging has kind of given me a "voice." I'm a quiet person by nature. I've learned to accept that about myself, but nonetheless, sometimes it is hard to be "heard" in normal life, or I feel a lack of connectedness at some level (I don't know many other mothers who craft and have similar interests). Here I can post what's on my mind, and post my little projects that I take such pleasure in, and get a response from delightful like minded people. That has been huge for me. And if I don't get a response? It's still so fun to chronicle our lives like this, take pictures, do a little writing. I love it. Thank you to all of you for your bloggy friendship and support!


Carrie said...

Happy One! What an amazing undertaking and I have had so much fun watching the blog take off! Thanks to you for showing me blogs and for adding to my blog reading pleasure.

Meg said...

Happy Blogoversary! I found your blog in the last couple of weeks, and I'm enjoying it very much. I've been blogging for about six months now, and I've had such a great time finding other crafty moms' blogs. It's so nice to know I'm not alone--and the ideas and inspiration are endless.

vintagechica said...

Happy blogiversary friend! Thank you for commenting on my blog so many months ago. I have loved watching your blog grow. Your photos are always a joy.

Blessings to you!

tess said...

happy one year, it's lovely to read your blog and all your takes on life, I like the fact that not only do we get to connect with other mums, we get to meet with people from the other side of the world.

Erin said...

Yay! Happy One Year! I look forward to your blog every morning.
Cheers, Erin

Sarah and Jack said...

Congratulations on making it through the first year! (Dying to know what snacks are inside that book, lol.)

Lina said...

Happy blogaversary Mary Beth. I'm glad you have found your voice through your blog - there's nothing like sharing simple pleasures with other like minded folk. I enjoy your crafts, recipes and thoughts and often wonder how you manage to do so much with a large family and a full time job! Here's to another great year!

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

What a lovely post (and what wonderful anniversary goodness!). I love hearing about what blogging means to others as I've been really surprised by what a big impact writing one has had on my life, and it's lovely to know that others have had a similar experience.

I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing it popping up in my bloglines, so very happy Bloggerversary, Mary Beth.

Amy said...

Happy One Year! I too started bloggin last year and have just fallen in love with everything about it! Goodluck with year 2!

Annie B said...

happy blogoversary MB - what lovely things you are giving away. I would love to win but I could never use the dishtowels, they are far too pretty! I know exactly what you mean about loving the connectedness of the whole blogging thing - I don't know so many crafters in real life either and so love this way of "getting to know" people that are interested in the same sort of things as me, and seeing what beautiful things they make. Your blog is inspiring.

Mary said...

Thanks for inspiring me with your blog. You have so many great ideas. At my daughter's 1st slumber party Friday, we are planning on making stickers! Maybe one day, I will stop reading and start my own blog.

amy turn sharp said...

congrats and OH I WANNA WIN! :) yahoo! xoxoxoxoamy

Unknown said...

Oh, yes please! Count me in.

Happy One Year!

Lisa Boyer said...

Happy Blogoversary to you! I'm in! I love love love all the goodies. Thank you for having this drawing.

annemarie said...

I love your blog - congratulations on your anniversary! Anne

Unknown said...

Although I am new to the blog thing, somehow I was fortunate to have found yours among the millions out there. You inspire and impress. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes for year two!

graggirl said...

Happy 1 year! I enjoy reading your blog. Especially the recent birthday posts!!!

Our Adventures As A Family of 4.... said...

Happy Blogversary!! I just recently discovered your blog and I like reading it. I like some of the crafts you have had, the recipes, etc. As you know my husband and I are adopting so I am keeping some of your suggestions close to hand for future reference. :-) By the way do you like the kindergarten snack cook book? I may go buy it if it is good.

Your photos are fantastic and I also like hearing little stories about your family. I think the goodies you are offering are great, thank you for sharing.

Happy 1 year blogversary!


Anonymous said...

Simply said..your blog inspires me to be a better mother! Thanks for taking the time and look forward to reading it for many months to come!

Janae said...

I've just found your blog and I love seeing the creative things you do! Keep it up.

Sarah said...

Congrats on one year of blogging. I am very happy that you are one of my blogging friends!

Potato said...

Happy one year! I have been enjoying your blog so much since I found it a few months ago. I love seeing the little glimpses of your family life and the lovely things you make, and your thoughts on things. Glad you are here, glad you plan to keep on going, mama!

ajadarak said...

Happy One Year..I recently found your blog and I am really enjoying it!

Beth H said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I've found many of the same benefits of having a blog as you do. It's a little piece of me now. I'm sure yours is too...and hopefully will be for a long time.
Thanks for all the great inspiration and smiles.

Desiree said...

happy blogoversary! Great blog!

J said...

Happy Blogoversary!
I found your blog about a month back and have been following it since!
I may not be a mother, but I still love everything you've been putting up.
Makes me want to start a blog of my own...

Kristin said...

Happy one year Mary Beth! Here's to many more! As you know I really enjoy reading your blog and I find it awesome to connect with people like you that I might not ever connect with if it weren't for the internet.

I am halfway to my one Year and am now starting to find my voice.

I am glad you are there!

lizziemarie said...

good for you! I just came across your blog and am enjoying checking in periodically.Keep it up!

jessica said...

hooray for your blogiversary! I'm so glad I found your blog - it's definitely one of my favorites!

catherineINsingapore said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I found your blog just weeks ago and was so glad. It's wonderful to read . I adore your crafts and am inspired to keep on with mine despite a hectic family life whenever I read your blog. Also I just love knowing that someone else is also crafting and mothering and working and just trying to be good and make good. Truly inspiring!

Deirdre said...

Happy 1st! I just started blogging a few months ago, and your post articulated so well why I love it.

Also love all the inspiration here (and that tree print!).

Roxanne said...

Happy Blogoversrsary! Thanks for sharing about your life and thanks especially for posting pics of your gorgeous children and crafts.

coffeechris said...

Happy Happy Bloganiversary to you! I can't remember how I happened on your blog, but so glad I it regularly. Thank you for your realness and creative love. Happy Valentine's Day

Sarah said...

Happy Blogoversary Marybeth! Your blog is fantastic. I love how honest and sincere it is. Its great to see what you and the fam are up to and I am always inspired by your craft projects and recipes. Thanks for sharing! And...definitely put my name in for that drawing!!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

HaPPY BloGiversarY!!
I am relatively new to your blog, but I am enjoying it!

Susan said...

I just found your blog and it's fantastic! You're a new "favorite!"
I had to enter you contest because I've wanted that Waldorf snack book forever! Happy anniversary!

Josiah said...

Whoo Hoo! Congratulations! Love all the creativity!! ~~ Laurie

mo said...

Happy Blogoversary! I agree with your thoughts on having a voice. There is something so much easier about voicing your thoughts when you don't even know who will read them. I love the window hearts.

adriennep said...

I just came across your blog and had to put it in my RSS feeds since you have so many great ideas. I want to win your giveaway, since I have been dying over those japanese prints for months now. The elephants! The trees! Plus, I love your little books and want to see them in person. Happy Blogoversary!

Laurie said...

I love your little zippered bags. and I'm sending the recipe for stickers to my kids .

Felicia said...

Congratulations! I'm celebrating my blog's first year too.

Me said...

What a lovely giveaway! I'd be honored to be included!

emma said...

have been ummming and ahhing about whether to blog or not for the past year. When I see your lovely record of your days, makes me think I should have taken the plunge a year ago! Happy one year of blogging!

Ginger said...

I just found your blog through a chain of several other blogs. What wonderful inspiration. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary!

vwlaura said...

Happy Anniversary! I hear ya about the excitement and enjoyment of blogging! I'm so glad I stumbled upon yours, love the crafts and all of your family's creative projects.

Hadn't stopped by in a while, and finally did today! Great idea to have a raffle!

kirsten said...

wow - what a great lot of goodies!
congrats - your blog is great.

Unknown said...

Happy blogiversity! Thanks for sharing your thoughts - I enjoy reading them.

k. casey said...

such a pretty site. i hope this upcoming year is as much fun as your last one looked to be.

karri said...

happy happy blogiversary!
i just found your blog and i love it!
have a great day!

Karen said...

Hello! I just found your site and will be here poking around for a while! Congratulations on one year!

Kate said...

well I love your blog so of course I have to comment! I love the melted crayon hearts too, by the way, so cute!!! And I have been feeling good about blogging like you, even if you don't get a response, it's great to document and have a record of your life and the journey you make your own.

MaMa said...

I found your site today & it's been a joy to read. I love the sticker recipe & can't wait to make it with my boys. Congrats. on you blog!

Jonah Lisa said...

Happy one year! Put my name in the hat--what a great give-away!

Beth said...

I've enjoyed your blog since discovering you via Sew,Mama,Sew! Congrats on one year!

Aisling said...

Happy Blogaversary! It never seems like it's been "that long" when you are having fun blogging :)

Sharon said...

Happy Blogiversary! Just kind of stumbled onto your blog tonight - I love your photos!

Pina said...

Happy one year! I found your blog some time ago and I keep coming back every time I am behind the screen. I am not a regular commenter on you blog, I know, but I enjoy reading about the things you do in your everyday life. Inspiring!

Happy Valentine's day!

Lindsay said...

Happy Anniversary! I recently found your blog and find it very inspirational. I'd love to be included in your giveaway.

Allison said...

Congrats on one year! I found your blog from Sarah at Naptime Musing and have been reading it all the time, now I will sign in for a chance to win all your wonderful goodies.

Karen said...

Happy Anniversay
I just found your blog and I love it. Your give away looks fabulous!

Caz said...

Wonderful blog - well done !! We have a lot in common (Greys Anatomy, teacups, folding up washing etc etc) - happy blogaversary from Australia!

stuff said...

i came across your blog while searching for 'the waldorf kindergarten snack book', and proceeded to spend more time than i care to admit being inspired and impressed by your lovely blog.
happy blogiversary!

UK lass in US said...

Wow, I'm impressed with all that you've done this week, even if you didn't manage all that you had planned. Happy Blogoversary!

I don't know many - any? - other crafters either and I've loved finding the blogging world this year.

Gift of Green said...

Did I miss it? Did I miss it? MB - your blog is a JOY to read. Congratulations!

Melissa said...

Happy Blog Anniv! Those are some fabulous give aways. I was just checking out your vday crafts that you and the kids made to get some inspirations ready for next year. You should check out mommycoddle blog site because she came up with a really cute idea with owls.

HobbyGirl said...

Happy One Year! I'm new to your blog but I love the crayon recycling!

bigbucketgirl said...

Woah! Hold the horses! Am i too late to comment!?!?!?! We've been deep in a forest for a week and have just come out for light! yours was the first blog i picked to catch up on! Happy blogoversary...i'm SO glad you started! Long may you

Jennie said...

Happy Blogaversary! I came across your blog a few months ago and I have so enjoyed reading your posts and collecting creative ideas to try with my own children.

Please keep the inspiration coming!


mom go green said...

happy blogoversary! wish i had seen the post earlier - i'd have entered for some of your lovely items.

here's to another beautiful year of salt and chocolate!