Thursday, April 26, 2012

thursday :: book day

Bruno Munari's Zoo One of Rainer's favorite books is Bruno Munari's Zoo. It was a gift from my brother (which he kindly chose from Rainer's wishlist on Amazon). Bruno Munari's Zoo The pictures are bold and graphic. The text is simple and amusing. There are two butterflies to look for on every page. Bruno Munari's Zoo
 I love its simplicity and beauty. Bruno Munari's Zoo Bruno Munari's Zoo Bruno Munari's Zoo Bruno Munari's Zoo Bruno Munari's Zoo In other book news, I finished Never Let Me Go. I loved the writing and the characters. The subject matter is really thought provoking. And now I'm onto this book. A true change of pace. I'm loving it so far (oh, and I'm reading it as an actual book instead of on the iPad, so that's a change of pace too).

Blogger has changed its blogging interface since the last time I have used it.  Everything looks all wonky and I'm having spacing issues.  Any tips?  I'm really frustrated.  The old version was working just fine for me.


  1. Hi - I also made a half recipe of those cookies this week (they are EVERYWHERE online!) and at first I thought "meh" but after they were cool and the next day they were so much better and I must admit to gobbling down the entire half batch with the help of my two preschoolers. But I used my "secret mommy stash" chocolate in them too, so that helped! Or maybe whole wheat chocolate chip cookies are just not for you? I still can't warm up to whole wheat pasta, although I keep trying.

  2. Have you seen the book Life Size Zoo? Your boys may like that one as well. Translated from Japanese - it's photographs.
