Friday, April 13, 2012


102/366 :: roses

I'm super happy to have made it to Friday. I'm feeling very much like I need a break. How about you? Do you have plans for the weekend? I'm making a dreamy/practical list.

:: we are planning to go to the Scandinavian Festival in Thousand Oaks! I'm so excited. I found out about it for several months ago--practically a full year ago--and immediately marked my calendar because I didn't want to miss it. I think my mom will go with us, and help me with the kids, because Ken will be at a swim meet that day. I love all things Scandinavian so fully expect to be in heaven.
:: on Sunday we'll go see Ken compete in his second day of the swim meet. He's participating in Master's swimming. It's swimming for adults. This is the first time he is doing it. I think it will be fun to watch him compete!
:: I'm dying to watch The Help. Anyone know if it's okay to let the kids watch with us? Our problem is that by the time the little boys are finally asleep, we're usually too exhausted to start a movie!

103/366 : sky

:: I've been neglecting the practical side of things lately with Faith being home, then spring break, then Easter. I'd at least like do a quick once-over on the house.
:: laundry! It's wonderful to start the week with everything clean and put away.
:: perhaps I'll mix up a batch of bread dough (with Rainer's help--he loves it).
:: grocery shopping on the way home from work tonight.

What are you up to this weekend??


  1. Ooh, can't wait to see the photos from th Scandinavian festival! My weekend will be all dreamy: road trip w/ a friend to Mass and CT to visit more friends--looking forward to a break from practical and housework and (dare I say it?) kids...and it's a 3-day weekend here in ME.

  2. I wouldn't let the boys watch. There are a bunch of foul language choices and some of the scenes are better suited for adults in my opinion. It's great though. Not better than the book but I felt both could stand alone and audiences would still love the story.

  3. Thanks, Amber. I appreciate that.

  4. I love that your husband is doing master's swim! I did that for many years before kids, but really I should make time again. There was one gentleman who was 80-plus years old and would swim lap after lap of beautiful butterfly.

  5. Amber is right. The movie is not appropriate for the boys. There is one scene in particular that haunted me and would not be good for the boys to see.

    I too feel your movie watching pain, I can not stay up late enough past my children's bed time to complete a movie. Maybe you could stretch it out over several nights?


  6. I always love your casual style of photography. I just love love love both of your pictures in this post. I'm just catching up on my blogs and I thought I tell you that. I find them inspirational.

  7. Sarah--thank you so much! Love hearing that. Thanks so much for stopping by!
