Tuesday, July 19, 2011

whilst folding laundry . . .

old nigella episodes whilst folding laundry

Lately, I've been having huge Sunday laundry folding sessions while watching old episodes of Nigella Bites. I haven't had any broadcast TV for over a decade now, but a long time ago (1999 or 2000, amazingly), my mom recorded a bunch of Nigella episodes for me on VHS tapes, and I still have them! I find Nigella so incredibly comforting, uplifting, and heartening. I adore her casual, down to earth, and unfussy style and all the scenes of domestic life and mothering that are sprinkled throughout the episodes. My favorite Nigella cookbooks are How to Eat and Feast. How about you?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Fun fun! I like to watch Bollywood musicals while I do the dishes. That's kind of similar, right?! ;) I've enjoyed Nigella's shows and have taken her books out of the library. I am not sure I have a favorite. Perhaps I should pick them up from the library again. Cheers!