Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I love the word toddler. It's a cute word--especially in the plural, "two toddlers." Well, I guess I have two toddlers now, because Rainer started walking over the weekend!
He's still pretty unsteady, but he's taking fifteen, twenty steps at a time. And he's very quickly switching out of crawling mode. It's fascinating to see the daily evolution of how many steps he will take vs. when he'll give in and start crawling. He's been wanting to walk for a long time now and I think he's pretty determined to make it happen sooner rather than later. He hardly crawls at all any more. It's not easy for him though--lots of falls and bumps along the way. Personally, I'm happy. On a practical level, this means he won't be pulling on my pants leg as much, and it of course also gives me pause--my last baby is walking. Do I really no longer have an infant? But there's no use in looking back--every little bit of independence he gains is good for him and good for our family. And thank goodness I still have those sweet moments nursing him at night and in the mornings (and all weekend long, for that matter!) when we can connect and be mama and baby still. Congratulations, little Rainer!

1 comment:

Potato said...

Yeah Rainer! What an exciting thing walking is. Soon it will be hard to believe he ever crawled! I like the word "toddler" too- though I find myself holding onto the term "baby"- my little guy even calls himself "baby" sometimes!