Thursday, June 28, 2012

corn avocado salad

corn and avocado salad

One of my summer resolutions is to try 3 ideas from each of my (seasonally relevant) Pinterest boards. I love to pin stuff and I'm totally ok with the fact that a lot of those pins will never actually get made/done by me. On the other hand, I do need to give myself a little push to at least do some of them. It's just more fun that way.

Hence, I made this salad. My inspiration came from this pin. Originally found here.  I didn't end up following the actual recipe--I just used it for inspiration.  I had two ears of leftover corn on the cob laying around, so that was the push I needed to get going with this.  Here's how I did mine--

Corn and Avocado Salad
Cut the corn from two ears of (cooked) corn on the cob and add to a bowl.  Add in avocado chunks from 1 avocado, halved cherry tomatoes, and sprinkling of bleu cheese to taste, and a nice sprinking of course salt and freshly ground pepper.  Toss with dressing of your choice (I used what I had on hand--a Good Seasons garlic and herb).



Andrea said...

Looks so pretty. Have you tried the corn avocado salad from a back issue of 3141 (or whatever that magazine is called)? It's a warm salad with carmelized onions and feta (or goat?) cheese and oh so good.

Emily said...

I tried this for dinner tonight with a steak...was great. A little bit of blue cheese meant we didn't need any dressing! Thanks for the inspiration!