Monday, April 30, 2012

hello monday {obsessed with roses edition}

I am linking up with Lisa for Hello Monday. Roses are in riotous bloom all over the neighborhood and I was inspired to take lots of pics on my walk tonight. I love them so. obsessed with roses obsessed with roses obsessed with roses obsessed with roses obsessed with roses obsessed with roses obsessed with roses Hello Monday!

Hello last six weeks of the school year {I'm not usually one to "count the days" but this year I am!}

Hello neighborhood roses--I wish our own roses were as large and abundant {I did gather enough from our own yard to make a little bouquet and I find it so very cheering}.

Goodbye April. Hello May!

 Goodbye overindulgent weekend {I enjoyed you}.

 Hello diety-month--I'm ready to feel lighter and summery.

Hello mild temps in the forecast {I'm ready for warmer weather, but I will take you}.

Hello laundry done and groceries bought.

Hello lunches made and ready in the fridge the night before.

What are you saying hello to this Monday morning?


catie said...

those roses are magnificent!
i think you should frame these.

today, i'm saying hello to a "normal" week. we've had so many disruptions and extra events. i know i'll probably jinx it by saying so, but i'm ready for a regular week ♥

dulci said...

WOW! Sooo pretty!