Tuesday, May 3, 2011

stuffed peppers

stuffed peppers

stuffed peppers

I had very much fun making these stuffed peppers a week or so ago. These were so easy--you don't precook the filling*--just mix it up and stuff it in, then bake. Kind of like little meatloaves in pepper shells. The extra meat mixture gets baked in a smaller casserole (perfect for little boys who don't want a pepper anyway). I found the recipe here. I didn't use any Cajun seasoning, though. I just subbed Italian seasoning blend. So simple and tasty.

*(okay, I did precook the rice, but that was no big deal).

1 comment:

Susan said...

YUM! I love stuffed peppers but my kiddos don't so I usually make it once a year in the summer. I will have to try your trick of baking some of the stuffing mixture in a separate dish next time so maybe I can have them more often. Thx!