Sunday, May 15, 2011

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

a colorful weekend

I was inspired by all the color I was finding around the house this weekend. I'm feeling a bit more like my old blogging self, having received a new camera for mother's day and being able to take better pictures now (as compared to using my phone, which I've been doing for the last several months). I also was inspired to do several little "projects"--a white tornado, a bit of sewing, and trying some new recipes. These things lighten and refresh me so much.

Today the boys were so into making paper airplanes. Usually they do so with Ken, but this morning they asked me to help them out. I found such good instructions in this book. Sometimes it's much more fun to find something in a book rather than just googling it. Also fun today--reading to them, lunch at Sharkey's (with my big girl too), taking a dip in my parents' just recently working-again hot tub, and watching an episode of "Wild Kratt's" on my parents' dvr (a show Dieter LOVES to watch when he is there. We saw an episode about monarch butterflies--so fascinating!).

Four more weeks of school now and I am SO ready for this year to be over. I'll be off to work in the morning because I have absolutely no sick days left and Ken will be taking Rainer to Santa Barbara for an MRI (a follow up from his seizure). Please send prayers and positive thoughts for him, as he will be under general anesthesia for a longish time.


Laura said...

Offering prayers that all goes well with the MRI.

I'm glad you had a lovely weekend. We had hail up here in Northern California yesterday. Weird.
We are sooooo ready for summer vacation too!

Julie said...

Hope the MRI testing went well. I love your green skirt that you made... beautiful!

Val said...

All my kindest wishes and thoughts for Rainer!

Mary Jane said...

I hope the MRI test goes well. I would like to ask you a question about one of your pictures. Was that a television in your living room?

Mary Beth said...

Mary Jane--yes! That's our circa 1993 TV that usually lives in the closet. We bring it out a few times a week to watch a DVD. Sometimes we are too lazy to put it back away the same night (it's so heavy and awkward) so it sits out the next morning. Alas.

Laura--thank you so much for the prayers!

He had a very long day (and had to be NPO for what ended up being nearly 24 hours), but he is fine now. So glad!