Monday, July 27, 2009

how to make a "potions" set

The mama does: gather old food containers and produce trays, plus bottles with little "squirt" openings. Fill with items to mix into your "potions"--I used dried rose petals and old grains (barley and steel cut oats) for sprinkling. Fill the bottles with water. Add any old nature table items that need to be cleared out--flowers, herbs, etc.
The child does: gathers supplies and sets out for a potion making adventure.
Find a little patch of mud to dig in.
Concoct potions with all your ingredients.
Moisten with plenty of water. Leave for the gnomes or trolls to discover.

Dieter and I had a very fun time with this project from our list. Rainer was napping all the while and it was wonderful to have one-on-one mother-son time. I love these summer moments.


Samantha S said...

What a wonderful idea. I can't wait to get started on that.

Sarah said...

This is my children's most favorite activity and has been up through about 5th grade. Add funky parchment paper, ink, and a feather pen (or a gold/silver marker) to write down the recipes. Roll them into scrolls. Robes are always good. My children liked to do this in the winter in our dark basement using old dried herbs. I collect funky old bottles from the thrift shop. One year Hels' friend made a pouch (like a Waldorf crayon pouch) with big pockets, put little vials into each pocket for a potion kit. It was a huge hit for a homemade xmas gift.

liz said...

I love this! I remember making many a potion in the backyard from spices and herbs I'd *ahem* "borrowed" from my mom's cupboards. :) But who could resist? Too fun.

Anonymous said...

I love this!
My kids have various "ingredients" in salvaged jars on the playhouse shelves.

Jennifer said...

Brilliant and magical. Thank you for sharing. This has now been added to our list as well. (And I know exactly what you mean about the special mother-son moments!)

Anonymous said...

oi tudo bom?
desejo muita saude para o seu filho , beijos eu sou aqui do brasil, muita sorte para sua familia
meu email :