Tuesday, February 17, 2009

rainy weekend

It was wonderful to have a long weekend at home in the rain. I love love love having extra time at home to hang out with the family and do domestic things. This morning I'm getting ready to go back to work, but I feel rested and restored, so I'm ready. One of the reasons I'm feeling rested is that Rainer slept through the night two nights in a row. That's a huge miracle, along with the fact that I slept through as well, not waking to check on him. I estimate it's been about 5 years since I was last able to sleep through, so it's not a small thing. Alas, last night he woke a couple times, but I still do think he's making progress.
Yesterday the boys and I made the Oat Cookies from Apples for Jam. Here is a simple, old fashioned cookie of the type I should be making for our mother/son baking projects. These were very easy to whip up and they make a tiny batch, which can be good or bad, but sometimes it's nice not to have a bunch of cookies hanging around. These seem downright wholesome compared to last week's cookie with all the chocolate chips and shavings.
Also, for Valentine's day on Saturday, I made these. They are the layered brownies from the current (March) issue of Wondertime. I just thought I'd share them here in case you have the issue and were thinking of making them. They are not worth all the fuss, I think. I like a brownie for sure, but these were not all they were hyped up to be. To be fair, I think I overbaked the bottom, so they were a little dry.
Happy work week to those of you heading back to work this morning. Now it's a long haul 'til spring break--sort of a "pure" time with no interruptions, just work straight though. That can be a good thing, or so I'm telling myself.


Meg said...

The cookies look yummy! I'll have to try the Oatmeal recipe since I received Apples for Jam for Christmas. I'm really enjoying that cookbook.

Glad to hear you got a great night's sleep--it really makes such a difference, doesn't it?

secret cake said...

I'm so glad you mentioned the Wondertime brownie recipe! I have that page torn out and on my counter...sounds like I should focus my efforts elsewhere. : )

Oh, and hooray for sleep!

eight feet said...

Thanks for the heads up on the Wondertime brownies, we were going to try them out tomorrow for our winter break treat. By the way, I really like the wooden sun around the crystal that you have hanging--is it available online?

Unknown said...

Your photo's are always so beautiful. I especially love how the colours in the first 2 are so similar.

Our Mama/Boys baking last week was from 'Apples for Jam' also! I blogged it here: http://adventuresofarainbowmamamama.blogspot.com/2009/02/apple-bread.html

*and* I'm sneaking in a little blog-read while I'm making Brownies for my little bugs who are stuck inside today with colds! So I was smiling when I read your post. I'm going to have to look up those cookies & try them next week with the boys :)

Happy sleep.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the brownie photos - I made them last night and they were delicious. Two things that may have made a difference - I used a metal 13x9 pan (baked them for exactly 30 minutes) and used really amazing chocolate (Callebaut). They were labor intensive, but worth the effort.