Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Little Work Treats

I'm headed to the dentist this morning for a cleaning (6 months goes by unbelievably fast when it comes to your teeth) then it's off to my office to get a little organized and see what's what over there. I like to keep a desk drawer with snacks and emergency supplies, so I'm gathering up all that this morning. Here's a list of what I like to have on hand:
  • snacks--I eat pretty often and if I forget to bring a fresh snack from home (usually string cheese and 6 Triscuits) I need to have a back up. Or, if I am having a sweets emergency. Not to be unhealthy, though, I have peanut bars (for protein, healthy oils) and dark chocolate (for antioxidants). And I'm really excited about the freeze dried apple and pear slices I found at Costco. Sometimes I bring in trail mix or dried fruit packets.
  • my little marble magnets for the hutch over my desk--it pleases me to look up and see pretty magnets (and I use them throughout the day to hold kids' emergency cards and off- campus passes while they are waiting for their parents to arrive).
  • hair ties--in case I need to pull my hair back.
  • a notebook, to jot down ideas, especially when I'm at lunch
  • four color pen to help organize thoughts in the notebook
  • True Lime--love these little packets of crystalized lime for my water.
  • lip balm
  • lotion
Hoping to get more sewing done this afternoon when I get home, but we'll see. Tomorrow is my last day at home, so time is of the essence.


Carrie said...

Where do you get the crystalized lime?

Gift of Green said...

I'm at work and forgot my hair tie!! GRRRR!! :)

Mary Beth said...

The True Lime (and also True Lemon) are in the baking aisle of my regular grocery store.