Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Toddler's Day

Yesterday I had the chance to spend a pretty mellow and unstructured day, or at least the morning, with Dieter. Rainer was in daycare, Faith in school, Ken out of town, Ben laying low in his room. So here's some of the toddler fun we were up to. Playdough play is always a favorite for both of us.
Then we headed outdoors for patio fun. Lots of bean table play was followed by . . .
watercolor painting and water table play, which were followed by . . .
several rides on the Skitter Car, which was followed by . . .
snack (do you see how he arranged the pluot slices all around the perimeter of his plate?)
followed by a 3 hour nap. Sweet guy. It's fun to have one-on-one time with Dieter.


Carrie said...

What a great nap picture! I got my package and I am having a tough day so the timing was perfect. Unwrapping gave me several moments of pleasure. I love the fabric. Are you using patterns for the design or making up your own? Either way it is great. I'm not sure what I will use it for but it will also go nice with the green leather purse Mark brought me from Rome.

Jim said...

I love my purse too!