Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Establishing New Routines

So I started back to work today. Big change for our family. Rainer had his first day in daycare and apparently did fine. They said he was good, and smiley, and "what a great baby." I sent four bottles of pumped breastmilk and he drank three and started the fourth. Being back at work is fine for me in a lot of ways, but it's such a long time away from my baby. But we'll manage.

I want to start some new routines to help us reconnect and enjoy each other during the evenings--all of us. It's so easy to get caught up in all the minutia--making lunches, washing the breast pump parts and putting it back together, washing bottles, making up new bottles, cleaning up after the baths, on and on. So I'm trying to put the focus on spending time with our babies. Today we went on a walk after school, including Ken and Dieter--I carried Rainer in the Moby, and we started a bathtime routine for the two boys--with Dieter in the big tub and Rainer in the infant tub side by side. Ken involved too. I'm very excited about the increased family time with all four of us. Dinner was a re-heated white chili that I made yesterday. Having dinner made ahead, and the salad greens washed and dried, made a huge difference. Here's hoping I can sustain the new routines and even establish more that bind and bond us.


Carrie said...

Did you survive your week? Mark is here tomorrow until Wednesday. I think I am going to try some of your posted recipes.

Mary Beth said...

Oh yes, do. I have more to post, but so little time. Let me know if you try anything. Say hi to Mark!